.Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has introduced plans to make one crore women from self-help groups (SHGs) monetarily individual through including them in several organization tasks. Talking at the inauguration of the “Indira Mahila Shakti Bazar” in Hyderabad on Thursday, he said his government is actually applying multiple programs for ladies’s welfare.Reddy highlighted projects such as totally free travel for females in state-run buses, subsidized LPG cyndrical tubes for Rs 500, free of cost electric energy up to 200 systems for the poor, stitching outfits for pupils, and “Indira Mahila Shakti” bottles. In the course of the handle, Reddy highlighted that much more than 115 crore women have gained from the free of charge bus project in the state.The federal government is also setting aside solar power vegetations to SHGs to improve their economical opportunities.Currently, Telangana possesses 65 lakh SHG participants, as well as the Chief Official emphasised the aim at of expanding this to one crore.
“It is your obligation to create it one crore. It is my obligation to make one crore (women) crorepatis,” he said.Reddy included that he plans to visit all 33 areas in the state upcoming year and hold meetings along with one lakh women in each area. Governor Jishnu Dev Varma, who existed at the activity, yielded the SHG members as well as showed his hope that they would emerge as forerunners in the country.Published On: Dec 6, 2024.